MA Gov. Baker extends closure of non-essential businesses to May 4, effective April 1 at noon. (3.31.20)
Watch Gov. Baker’s entire announcement & update on Massachusetts COVID-19 efforts, click HERE.
Watch Gov. Baker’s entire announcement & update on Massachusetts COVID-19 efforts, click HERE.
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Join the MASS Cultural Council Legislative Listening Session on April 2, 1-2pm with Tourism, Arts, & Cultural Development Committee Chairs State Senator Edward Kennedy & State Representative Paul McMurtry, Mass Cultural Council, & MASSCreative for an online forum focused on the economic impacts of COVID-19 on the Commonwealth’s cultural sector.
Register for this webinar:…/legislative-listening-se…/
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Watch MA Gov. Charlie Baker announcement to extend closure of schools & non-emergency childcare programs. Baker also announced a new $5 million rental assistance program for families struggling with rent insecurity during the crisis through the Department of Housing & Community Development. The agency is also recommending that all owners of state aided low-income housing, including Local Housing Authorities and private owners, suspend both new and pending non-essential evictions.