League of Women Voters: Susan B. Anthony Dinner & Talk on Tues, March 4, 6pm at Williams Faculty House

LWV presents: “The New Imperialism, Look Back to the 20th Century, Find a Way Forward Today” talk by Prof. James Mahon.  Dinner at 6pm, RSVP to zrobi@hotmail.com.  cost $55.00.  Williams College Faculty Hous at 968 Main St., Williamstown.

B’shire Nursing Families TRIVIA NIGHT Fundraiser on Sat, March 8 at Williams Inn. TIX on sale now!

Registration now LIVE! for Trivia Night/Dinner fundraiser.  Event includes trivia, raffles, & dinner. All proceeds support BNF’s mission to provide feeding & parenting support for families in Berkshire region. 

Join us at the Williams Inn on Saturday, March 8th.  Space is limited to 20 teams of 8, so don’t wait, register early. Put your knowledge of useful and pointless facts to the test. Go head to head with your friends for a chance to win the ultimate reward, the coveted BOOBY prize!

Contact us at trivia@berkshirenursingfamilies.org

How much are tickets?
Tickets are $125 per player ($1000 per team).

No team?
No problem! Sign up as an individual and we will hook you up with other players.

Everyday, Berkshire Nursing Families continues doing what they do best – providing world-class breastfeeding support at no cost to your community – because of you (and your wicked smart brains).

Can’t make it?
You can still support Berkshire Nursing Families by making a simple donation here.

Town Hall invites residents to Focus Groups to hear your input on how to improve its communications!

REGISTER HERE to participate in VIRTUAL feedback session on WED, March 5, 6-7pm  or IN-PERSON session on THU, March 6, 10:30am-12pm at Town Hall, 31 North St, W’town.

The Town has contracted with the Collins Center for Public Management at UMass Boston to facilitate the community discussions & assist the Town Manager in creating a strategic communications plan. Contact Town Manager Bob Menicocci for more info: rmenicocci@williamstownma.gov or 458-3500.