Annual 1753 House Carol SING- 7:00pm, Sun., Dec. 22 on village green, W’town
The 1753 House Committee invites the community to the 46th annual 1753 House Carol Sing at 7 pm on Sunday, December 22. The Carol Sing is a free, ecumenical event for all ages
Deborah Burns will lead the a cappella singing beside a roaring blaze in the fireplace. Carol books are provided. Dick Schlesinger has donated the greens that adorn the House. There is no heat or electricity in the 1753 House, so dress warmly and bring a light to see by.
The 1753 House is an historical replica of a regulation settler’s home first constructed in 1953 in celebration of Williamstown’s Bicentennial by local volunteers. It’s located on Field Park across from the Milne Public Library at the northern intersection of Routes 2 and 7. Parking is available at the Library.