Nomination Papers for Town election available. Open seats on Select Board & Planning Board.

The Select Board will have 2 open seats for 3 yr terms & Planning Board will have 1 open seat for 5 yr term.  Interested candidates can obtain nomination papers by contacting the Town Clerk  Offices on the Annual Town Election ballot will be

  • 2 Select Board for three year terms;
  • 1 Planning Board member for a five year term;
  • 2 Library Trustees for three year terms; 
  • 1 Housing Authority member for a five year term;
  • 1 Housing Authority for a four year term;
  • 1 Housing Authority for a two year term, and 

Candidates seeking to run for office must contact the Town Clerk’s office to receive nominations papers. Completed nomination papers must be returned to the Board of Registrars for certification no later than Tuesday, March 24, 2020. Questions regarding running for town office can be addressed with Town Clerk Mary C. Kennedy at 458-9341 or

The Annual Town Meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 at 7:00 PM at the Williamstown Elementary School. The deadline to submit articles for the Town Meeting warrant is Monday, March 30, 2020.