B’shire Botanical Gardens online class: Planting Design Part 1- Form & Texture, starts June 16
This online class meets four consecutive Weds, June 16 – July 7 from 5:30 – 7 p.m. To register: Berkshire Botanical Gardens
In this four-week course for the home gardener or seasoned professional, garden designer David Dew Bruner will help you develop the skills you need to create effective planting designs. Explore the use of form and texture as it applies to plant choice and design in the ornamental garden. Design concepts and presentation will be covered. Learn representative drawing techniques to use in your designs through a series of exercises. A final project will be assigned, allowing students to synthesize and apply their learning.
David Dew Bruner, A.S.L.A., is an award-winning landscape architect and fine artist with over 35 years of experience in the field. In addition to serving as Deputy Administrator of Riverside Park in New York City, his diverse background includes amusement park design, historic restoration and all scales of residential design. Originally from New Orleans, David holds a B.L.A. and a B.F.A. from LSU as well as an M.L.A. from the University of Massachusetts.
Required text: Professional Planting Design by Scott Scarfone