Greylock Talks – Questioning the Food Pyramid and Diet Fads with Eileen Bote

“Greylock Talks - Questioning the Food Pyramid and Diet Fads” brings nutritionist and dietician Eileen Bote to share with the students of Mount Greylock what we should really eat- and what we should not!

Rob Wnuk / MGRHS
MGRHS Events
Education & Kids

Greylock Talks – A State of Unremitting and Unrivaled Chaos- Trump’s Hostile Takeover of the Grand Old Party with Justin Crowe

“A State of Unremitting and Unrivaled Chaos: Trump’s Hostile Takeover of the Grand Old Party,” Williams Political Science Professor Justin Crowe on the current Presidential Election and the clash of Republican candidate Donald Trump within his own party.

Rob Wnuk / MGRHS
MGRHS Events
Education & Kids

Special FX Magic – Milne-WilliNet Workshop 2016

John Cena, Captain America and Deer Man unite in an epic battle. Deer heads are being mistreated, and the Left Shark gets his very own sitcom. These are the kinds of things you'll find in this latest WilliNet workshop: Special Effects Magic 2016!

WilliNet - Community Television for Williamstown
Education & Kids

MGRHS Presents: Greylock StoryTime with Max Harmon

Greylock Storytime engages the school community with a unique personality from the community sharing a story of their life. Max Harmon shares his story of hiking the Appalachian Trail in this episode.

Kaatje White
Greylock Storytime
Education & Kids