Debt Study Group Meeting – 1.16.25

Debt Study Group finishes work, meets goals, looks to Finance Comm. to endorse & accept their recommendations: Debt Policy; Debt Capacity Analysis; Reference documents. The group studied the Town of W'town, MGRSD, W'town Fire District, Hoosic Water Quality District debt profile, meeting 21 times, June 2023-Jan. 2025. The Finance Comm appointed group's purpose: to understand existing debt; to identify capital needs; to identify opportunities to be thoughtful & creative about future borrowings.  

WilliNet - Community Television for Williamstown
Williamstown Finance Committee
Local Government: Municipal Meetings

Finance Committee and Select Board Meeting – 1.13.25

FY26 budget discussion, priorities, overview.  Select Board sets Annual Town Mtg date THURSDAY, MAY 23, 7pm at MGRSD (start of Memorial Day weekend). SB votes to join North County Opioid Abatement Collaborative; signs letter of support of Northern Tier Passenger Rail;  Sweet Farm Homeowners Assoc. to ask Town Mtg to designate development's road as public, along with water/sewer to the development off Henderson Rd. DPW Director Craig Clough to assess Town impact of designation & report back to SB.

WilliNet - Community Television for Williamstown
Williamstown Finance Committee
Local Government: Municipal Meetings