Debt Study Group – 9.21.23
UniBank representative answers questions regarding possible future capital plans. Unibank was the financial advisor for the Town's last bond issue.
UniBank representative answers questions regarding possible future capital plans. Unibank was the financial advisor for the Town's last bond issue.
On agenda: sustainability, DD estimates, work site progress, generator, clock system, sewer ejection, BDA requirement.
Business Director Joe Bergeron describes 11 items on list of 'Cost Reduction Findings' for the track & field project. School Comm. votes on cuts & to move project forward. Irrigation needs will be part of a "continued conversation".
Diversity, Inclusion and Racial Equity Committee discusses Draft Strategic Plan; historic monuments.
On agenda: principal's updates, superintendent report, finance subcommittee report, track and field committee, superintendent evaluation and training, and MASC November mtg. delegate selection.