Affordable Housing Trust Meeting – 4.19.23
On agenda: review of Housing Needs Assessment and Berkshire Housing Stragegy, updates on WERAP, WEMAP and Habitat.
On agenda: review of Housing Needs Assessment and Berkshire Housing Stragegy, updates on WERAP, WEMAP and Habitat.
On agenda: FY2024 budget discussion and vote, RFQ for New Owners Project.
On agenda: Field & Track Project, FY24 budget policy & governance, superintendent report, MASC Division VI.
PB unanimously recommends their 5 warrant articles regarding zoning bylaw changes. They voted unanimously not to recommend Articles 24 & 25 concerning bylaw changes requested by Sweetwood Williamstown.
SB resets start time of Annual Town Meeting to 7:00pm, Tue, May 16 in the Mt. Greylock RSD gym & votes their recommendations on the Warrant's 42 Articles.