Write Angles Conference 2024 – Shanta Lee Keynote

Shanta Lee is a writer across genres, a visual artist, and public intellectual. She was the 2020 recipient of the Arthur Williams Award for Meritorious Service to the Arts and a gubernatorial appointee to the Vermont Humanities Council Board of Directors. First held in 1987, WriteAngles was sponsored by the local chapter of the National Writers Union until 2007, when it became an independent project run by volunteers.

Northampton Open Media
Write Angles
Studio Shows & Interviews

Norman Rockwell Museum – What, Me Worry; The Art and Humor of MAD Magazine

This exhibition explores the unforgettable art and satire of MAD, from its beginnings in 1952 as a popular humor comic book to its emergence as a beloved magazine that spoke truth to power and attracted generations of devoted readers through the decades.

Norman Rockwell Museum
Norman Rockwell Museum
Studio Shows & Interviews