Musical Showcase – JoAnne Spies, HU RAY

JoAnne Spies is a singer songwriter who collaborates with her audience in rhythm and sound explorations. An innovative performer, she invites the audience to literally walk with her, leading groups on musical experiences down Main Street to Stockbridge-Munsee tribe burial grounds and through museums.

WilliNet - Community Television for Williamstown
Studio Shows & Interviews

Window on the Weekend with Antonello and Jane 8.1.24

Williamstown Theatre Festival's managing director Raphael Picciarelli joins Jane and Antonello in the WilliNet Studio to talk about WTF Is Next, a mini festival-within-the-festival. WTF IS NEXT previews the future of the Williamstown Theatre Festival experience. PLUS, Newsletter Live, events, the Olympics, and a celebration of five seasons in the bag!

Williamstown Chamber of Commerce
Chamber Presents
Studio Shows & Interviews