Sweetwood Presents: “VINTAGE” – Photo Exhibit by Mt. Greylock Students, Free Opening on Fri 3/14, 3pm in The View Gallery at Sweetwood.

Sweetwood & Mt. Greylock Regional School District invite the community to view photo exhibit: VINTAGE.

BBG x BIFF Present: 2025 Solar Film Forum on Sun, 4/13, 11am start at Berkshire Botanical Garden in Stockbridge.

Berkshire Botanical Garden (BBG) has partnered with the Berkshire International Film Festival (BIFF) to present the 2025 Solar Film Forum on Sunday, April 13, at BBG. The event will commence at 11 a.m. with a series of short films focused on agrovoltaics, including “Pastures and Panels,” “Harvesting the Sun,” “Sunshine Synergy: Agrivoltaics with BlueWave,” and several others. Following a complimentary lunch, BBG and BIFF will screen “Common Ground,” a film that highlights regenerative farming practices. This will be accompanied by a panel discussion on the synergy between agrivoltaics and regenerative farming in fostering a more sustainable agricultural approach.

B’shire Botanical Gardens: The Bulb Show & CATA Art Show: “Seeds of Connection” – open 9am-4pm..FREE thru Sun 3/23 in Stockbridge.

A  celebration of beauty, renewal and the magic of nature’s rhythms – is free and open to all. Visit the Berkshire Botanical Gardens for both the BULB SHOW & CATA Art Exhibit open daily between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.. Experience a spectacular preview of spring, a warm, enchanting escape in the depths of winter. This sensory delight features hundreds of flowering bulbs, including classic favorites like tulips, daffodils and grape hyacinths, as well as lesser-known varieties.

W’town Prudential Comm. to vote on new Chief at 4pm, WED 3/12 mtg live on willinet.org & TV ch 1303.

Candidates are Robert Parsons, Jeffrey Dias, & Ryan Housman. The Prudential Committee expect to vote & select the new chief on Wed, 3/12, 4pm meeting at the W’town Fire Station. Watch live here on willinet.org & on TV ch 1303.

League of Women Voters: Susan B. Anthony Dinner & Talk on Tues, March 4, 6pm at Williams Faculty House

LWV presents: “The New Imperialism, Look Back to the 20th Century, Find a Way Forward Today” talk by Prof. James Mahon.  Dinner at 6pm, RSVP to zrobi@hotmail.com.  cost $55.00.  Williams College Faculty Hous at 968 Main St., Williamstown.