B’shire Nursing Families TRIVIA NIGHT Fundraiser on Sat, March 8 at Williams Inn. TIX on sale now!

Registration now LIVE! for Trivia Night/Dinner fundraiser.  Event includes trivia, raffles, & dinner. All proceeds support BNF’s mission to provide feeding & parenting support for families in Berkshire region. 

Join us at the Williams Inn on Saturday, March 8th.  Space is limited to 20 teams of 8, so don’t wait, register early. Put your knowledge of useful and pointless facts to the test. Go head to head with your friends for a chance to win the ultimate reward, the coveted BOOBY prize!

Contact us at trivia@berkshirenursingfamilies.org

How much are tickets?
Tickets are $125 per player ($1000 per team).

No team?
No problem! Sign up as an individual and we will hook you up with other players.

Everyday, Berkshire Nursing Families continues doing what they do best – providing world-class breastfeeding support at no cost to your community – because of you (and your wicked smart brains).

Can’t make it?
You can still support Berkshire Nursing Families by making a simple donation here.

Town Hall invites residents to Focus Groups to hear your input on how to improve its communications!

REGISTER HERE to participate in VIRTUAL feedback session on WED, March 5, 6-7pm  or IN-PERSON session on THU, March 6, 10:30am-12pm at Town Hall, 31 North St, W’town.

The Town has contracted with the Collins Center for Public Management at UMass Boston to facilitate the community discussions & assist the Town Manager in creating a strategic communications plan. Contact Town Manager Bob Menicocci for more info: rmenicocci@williamstownma.gov or 458-3500.

All Welcome to presentation by Western MA ACLU Immigrant Protection Project Coordinator on MON., FEB 10 at 7pm in the Community Room at First Congregational Church.

Javier Luengo-Garrido will speak on ACLU’s work in western MA protecting civil rights & civil liberties under threat of pending action of new presidential administration. Greylock Together is hosting his presentation at Williamstown First Congregational Church Community Room on Monday, Feb. 10 at 7pm.

W’town Candidate Nomination papers for elected local offices avail. FEB 3 with March 25 certification deadline.

Call for CANIDATES to serve on elected municipal committees!  Open seats on:  SELECT BOARD (2 seats /3 yr term; 1 seat/1 yr term)…PLANNING BOARD (1 seat/5 yr term)…Town Moderator (3 yr term)…Library Trustee (4 seats/ 3 yr term & 1 seat/ 1yr term)…HOUSING AUTHORITY (1 seat/5 yr term)… Northern Berkshire Vocational Regional School District (1 seat/3 yr term).  Town ELECTION DAY is MAY 13, polls open 7am-8pm at WES.

Candidates seeking office must stop by Town Clerk, Nicole Beverly’s office to pick up nomination papers. 30 signatures required. All signatures must be in INK, no electronic signatures allowed.  Completed papers must be returned to the Board of Registrars for CERTIFICATION no later than TUE, MARCH 25, 2025.

MORE INFO:   Nicole Beverly- 413-458-3500 x 101   or   nbeverly@williamstownma.gov

“What does it mean to love a forest?” – author Ethan Tapper talks at HooWRA’S Annual Mtg, 7pm TUE FEB 11 at Wege Auditorium, Williams College.

Hoosic River Watershed Assoc. partners with Williams College Zilkha Center & Environmental Studies Program to host author Ethan Tapper discuss his new book:  “How to Love a Forest, the bittersweet work of tending a changing world”.