REPAIR CAFÉ: 1-4pm on Sat, OCT 19 at Sheep Hill, 671 Cold Spring Rd. (rt 7).

Volunteer “fixers” can do small electrical repairs, wooden furniture repair, blade sharpening (knives, scissors, small tools), costume jewelry repairs, leather repairs! There’ll be computer advice, window screen repair, & the Purple Bike Coalition will be on hand to do simple bike repairs.
Co-sponsored by the South Williamstown Community Association and Williamstown Rural Lands at Sheep Hill, 671 Cold Spring Road (Route 7) SAT. OCT 19, 1 to 4 p.m.
We are continuing to partner with the BagShare Project to make reusable shopping bags. We’ll have materials and grommet machines to make them. Come and learn how to make a bag. It’s a good activity for older children, and it keeps all kinds of animal feed and barley bags out of the landfill.
Repair Café is free, although donations are gladly accepted. It’s all about helping our neighbors and helping our planet. It’s kid friendly (lots of amphibian action at the pond behind Sheep Hill) and there’ll be refreshments.

W’town Spring Litter Cleanup Day: 9am – 12pm on SAT, APRIL 20, meet at Field Park or Bloedel Park.

Volunteers needed to pick up trash along roadways, parks, and riverbanks across town. Check-in at Field Park or at Bloedel Park between 9am-12pm for instructions & a bag. Wear bright clothes, appropriate shoes, work gloves. Come for an hour or more. Kids are welcome, and high schoolers can get their Community Service papers for student volunteers signed if they participate.
Contact: Anne O’Connor –

Passenger Train between N. Adams & Boston? Learn more at Mass DOT Public Info Mtg on Zoom-6pm, THU, March 28.

Department of Public Transportation wants YOUR INPUT on plan for Northern Tier passenger train. REGISTER FOR ZOOM mtg HERE!



Annual TOWN MTG date changed to THURSDAY, MAY 23, 7pm at Mt. Greylock Regional School.

Mark your calendar: Annual TOWN MTG is THU, MAY 23 at  Mt. Greylock Regional School, 1781 Cold Spring Rd.  Check-in begins at 6:00pm.  Meeting starts at 7:00pm.

W’town CARES (Community Assessment Research) Project- focusing on understanding perceptions of community safety & wellbeing final report available.

CARES Project’s purpose (FINAL REPORT HERE) was to develop a thorough understanding of perceptions of community safety & wellbeing in Williamstown,  in order to provide recommendations to the Town for aligning policies and practices with community needs.

The Williamstown CARES (Community Assessment Research) Project was initiated in late 2020 by the Williamstown Town Manager.

While the project developed in response to national and local discussions on the scope and nature of policing, it focused broadly on topics of safety and wellbeing – rather than narrowly on policing – to establish a deeper understanding of how safety, wellbeing, policing, and other services intersect in Williamstown. Using a community-based participatory research (CBPR) approach