LOCAL ARTISTS: Call for your ART! Submit your work for the “Eyes on Art Town” ‘banner exhibition’ down Spring St & Latham St.

Artists and community members are encouraged to submit artwork for the Eyes on Art Town banner call.The Williamstown Cultural District will showcase local artwork in a banner exhibition in Downtown Williamstown this fall. Selected art will be reproduced on vertical banners hung on utility poles along Spring and Latham Streets.  CALL FOR ART: Eyes On Art TownDeadline: July 1, 2023Visit DestinationWilliamstown.org/eyes-on-art-town-call-for-art/ for submission form and more information.

W’town Historical Museum CELEBRITY BARTENDER FUNDRAISER on Fri, May 26, 5-8pm at The Log

TIP BIG the Celebrity Bartenders & support W’town Historical Museum! Pouring from 5-6pm: Dave Moresi & Hugh Daley! 6-7:00pm: Elinor Goodwin & Cristina Stuebner! 7-8:00pm: Jeff Stripp & Dave Armet!  Fun fundraiser at The Log/ Ramuntos on Spring St. 5-8pm FRI, MAY 26!

Celebrating the Civic Season w/ a Town Meeting Marathon: 1999-2022!

Back-to-back broadcasts of 23 years of Town Meetings! Repeated 24/7, Election Day – Town Meeting Day on TV ch 1302…Stream here on willinet.org 11pm-7am … Schedule your own marathon HERE!

Celebrating Citizenship .. Volunteering .. Community Service!  Remember all the Recipients (1982-2022) of the Scarborough Citizenship Award winners & the Community Chest Good Citizen/Volunteer of the Year Award & since 2016 the Scarborough Salomon Flynt Community Service Award!


Hogeland (700 votes) & Boyd (523 votes) will fill the 2 open seats on W’town Select Board. Bryant (382 votes) comes in 3rd, Harsch (131 votes) 4th.

Voters cast 1,738 votes for Select Board Candidates including 2 write-ins.  Approximately 17% of registered voters turned out.  Precinct breakout on Select Board race:  Precinct 1:  Hogeland- 285; Boy 208; Bryant 165; Harsch 62.

Precinct 2: Hogeland- 83; Boyd- 65; Bryant- 38; Harsch- 18.  Precinct 3: Hogeland- 332; Boyd- 250; Bryant- 179; Harsch- 51.

Community Memorial Celebration for David Rempell on Sunday, May 28, 1:30pm at WES Auditorium

Honor the memory of David Rempell (May 24, 1946 – March 25, 2023) on May 28, 1:30pm at W’town Elementary School Auditorium.  if possible, RSVP before May 14 to: rsvpdavid5.28.23@gmail.com

Organizers Fern Murtagh & Carolyn Agostini write “This is a time to honor, reminisce, laugh, share loving memories, and sure, shed some tears.”

As principal of the Williamstown Elementary School, David was a strong and caring guide for teachers. He guided the children with immense respect and care for all. After his retirement as a principal, he became Director of the Williamstown Youth Center. He gave his vision of an expanded Youth Center program to meet the needs of all Williamstown families. David was a steady advocate for what was best for Williamstown. He championed the building of a new Elementary School and Youth Center. He also was a town Selectman for 9 years. David was a passionate, generous and much loved husband, father, Papi, friend and human. David was a guide for how to live well and how to face death.