W’town dog owners: DOG LICENSE renewal deadline March 31. Purchase license online or at Town Hall.

Dog license fees: $5.00 for spayed/neutered dogs; $12.00 for all others.
Purchase online via the Town’s website: HERE
Residents who have questions regarding dog licenses should email or call
the Town Clerk’s office at nbeverly@williamstownma.gov or 458-3500 Ext.

From Town Clerk Nicole Beverly: “You may pay online or send in/drop off a check. Regardless of how you would like to pay, you still should complete the licensing process online. Your dog tag(s) will be mailed to you once
completed. You will need to create a login if you do not have one for Viewpoint.
There are detailed instructions on the website to help with learning the new
process https://williamstownma.gov/government/documents/.
Failure to renew your license will result in a late fee of $10.00.
It is a requirement that all dog owners must provide proof of a current rabies
vaccination in order to obtain their dog license. You will be able to upload
your rabies certificate directly to the online portal. If you don’t have a
scanner, taking a picture with your phone works too.”

Nomination papers available for open seats on Select Board; Planning Board; & Milne Library Trustee. Deadline 5pm, TUE,March 21, 2023.

Those Williamstown residents interested in running for these elected offices: 2 open seats on the Select Board (3 year terms); 2 open seats on Planning Board (1- 5 year term; 1- 1 year term); 2 seats on Milne Library Trustees (3 year terms) must pick up nomination papers from Town Clerk Nicole Beverly at Town Hall.  Deadline to return papers to the Town Clerk is 5:00pm, Tuesday, March 21, 2023.  The Annual Town Election is Tuesday, May 9.

Select Board members Hugh Daley and Andy Hogeland seats are up for election.

Planning Board members Stephanie Boyd (5-yr) and Dante Birch (1 year remaining) seats are up for election.

Milne Library Trustees Tamnika Steward and Patricia Wilk /both 3 year seats are open.

Questions regarding running for town office can be addressed by
reaching out to the Town Clerk’s Office at nbeverly@williamstownma.gov or 413-
458-3500 Ext. 101.


WilliNet to stream & broadcast “Claiming Williams” Morning (11:00am) & Evening (7:30pm) Keynote Addresses on Thu. Feb. 2.

The EVENING KEYNOTE with Imani Perry: “South to America: A Journey Below the Mason Dixon to Understand the Soul of a Nation streams here on willinet.org at 7:30 p.m, THU, FEB. 2.

Arshay Cooper is a rower, author, the protagonist of the documentary A MOST BEAUTIFUL THING- about the first African-American rowing high school team from Chicago’s West Side. Watch his Keynote Address, streaming here on willinet.org & broadcast of Spectrum tv channel 1303 at 11:00am THU FEB 2.

Select Board Meeting of Jan. 23 is rescheduled to MON, JAN. 30, 7pm at W’town Town Hall.

Select Board rescheduled to meet next MON, JAN. 30, 7:00pm at W’town Town Hall. Watch live streaming on willinet.org; streaming on willinet app on ROKU, AppleTV, Firestick and broadcast live on Spectrum tv ch 13o3!

“Across Shared Waters: Contemporary Artists in Dialogue with Tibetan Art” at Williams College Museum of Art -Feb. 17-July 16.

Much as the headwaters of Asia’s major rivers form in the Tibetan plateau and flow into the world’s seas, interest in Tibetan art and culture has circulated globally, inspiring artists within Tibetan regions and throughout the world. Across Shared Waters: Contemporary Artists in Dialogue with Tibetan Art from the Jack Shear Collection presents works by 11 contemporary artists of Himalayan heritage alongside traditional Tibetan Buddhist rolled paintings, or thangka, from the Jack Shear Collection, a juxtaposition that highlights the richness and diversity of Tibetan artistic expression and fosters greater understanding and appreciation of Himalayan histories and identities.

More INFO & Lectures & Events dates/descriptions!