1Berkshire offers 10 month leadership training to Berkshire HS Juniors: current SOPHMORES need to APPLY BY FEB. 10 for next year!

Learn more about yourself & your community through an intensive and rewarding 10-month long experience, beginning with a mandatory 3-day, 2-night retreat  in early June 2023, and concludes with a mandatory commencement APRIL 16TH, 2024. Through the program, participants will meet peers from across the region, community leaders from businesses, government agencies, and civic organizations, develop deep leadership skills, learn about the challenges and solutions facing the Berkshires, and discover how to apply central leadership tenets to their own lives and their future careers.

As the premier youth leadership development program in the region, YLP will expand participants’ horizons. Come enjoy this experience of a lifetime!

Before applying, be sure to read the documents at the two links provided here.

View Eligibility/Selection Criteria & Attendance Policy

View Tuition, Participation Policy and Program Dates.

As you fill out this application, be sure to press the “SAVE” button at the bottom of the form periodically, this will allow you to return to your application via a link that will be sent to your email address.

Town Hall request to W’town Residents: Return Local Census FORM to Town Hall. Form mailed to all households on Jan. 9.

The census (Annual Street Listing) is a requirement of the Massachusetts General Law and it is important that all residents return them to the Town Clerk’s office promptly.  Failure to respond to the census will result in removal from the active voting list and may result in removal from the voter registration rolls.

Residents should not use the census form for the purpose of voter registration.  Any resident who is not registered to vote may register by going to the Secretary of State’s website: https://www.sec.state.ma.us/OVR/ or by mailing a voter registration form to the Town Clerk’s office.  Voter registration forms can be found on the Secretary of State’s website as well: https://www.sec.state.ma.us/ele/elepdf/Voter-reg-mail-in.pdf.

Parents of college students or members of the military who are registered voters in Williamstown should be aware that by deleting those children from their census form will remove them from the active voters list.  Also, households that have dependent children in them, but are not listed on your census form should add their children to the form and complete the information that pertains to each child.  Information regarding the children is not a public record and is used only by the schools for enrollment purposes.

All forms should either be mailed back in the enclosed return envelope or dropped off at Town Hall. You can use the Town’s drop box,located outside the front door of Town Hall or come into the office.  Anyone who does not receive their census form in the mail within the next three weeks or anyone who has questions pertaining to the form should call Town Clerk, Nicole E. Beverly at 458-3500 Ext. 101.

W’town appoints Mike Ziemba new Chief of Police, announced Dec. 20.

“The Town of Williamstown is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael Ziemba as its next Chief of Police. Mike is a twenty-two-year veteran of the Department. Prior to being named the permanent Police Chief in Williamstown he served as Interim Chief of the Department for over two years, and as Lieutenant of the Department two years prior to that. Before serving as Lieutenant, Mike was a patrol officer in the Department for 18 years and worked for the Adams Police Department for several years in the early 2000’s.

Ziemba has had many assignments throughout his career with the Department such as K-9 Handler, Court Officer, School Liaison and Fleet Supervisor. He also assisted as the Department’s representative with the design and construction of the new police station in town.

Ziemba holds degrees in Criminal Justice and Environmental Science and is a graduate of the FBI LEEDA courses and Roger Williams University Command Series Program. He also holds many certifications within the Department.

Bob Menicocci, Interim Town Manager, said, “The past two years have been challenging for the police department and Mike has shown great vision and determination in rebuilding the public trust. He has the experience and integrity needed to build the level of professionalism within the Department that the town expects.”

Select Board Chair Hugh Daley stated, “I fully support the Town Manager’s selection of Chief Ziemba as Williamstown’s Police Chief. I’m happy that Chief Ziemba will get the chance to continue the many improvement projects he’s started at the WPD. From accreditation, to improved community outreach, to recruiting, I believe Mike is the right person for the job and I know he will do the job right.”

Additionally, Chief Ziemba stated, “I’m honored to have the confidence and support of Town Manager Menicocci and look forward to continuing to move forward together with the community”.

Ziemba was born and raised in North Berkshire and prior to his law enforcement career worked on his family’s dairy farm in Adams. He lives in North Adams with his wife and their three children.”

Northern Berkshire United Way Annual Chicken Dinner Fundraiser on Feb. 9 at 200 Howland Ave, Adams

Cocktails at 5pm, Chicken Dinner at 6pm. Get your $25 tickets before February 6 by calling: 663-9062 or email pmessina@nbunitedway.org.  More INFO here!

10X10 New Play Festival: February 16- March 5.

Barrington Stage presents: “10 TEN-MINUTE PLAYS TIMES 10 PLAYWRIGHTS = 100 MINUTES OF PURE JOY!” Tix & more info HERE!