DONATE to HAT & MITTEN DRIVE during week of Dec. 16-22 ..deliver to Spring St. businesses.

Donate NEW hats, mittens, & gloves to benefit local residents-in-need.  Drop off to these Spring St. business:  Amy’s Cottage… Goodman’s Jewelers..Nature’s Closet…The Print Shop…Spring Street Market…Where’d You Get That?…Williams Shop.. Williams Bookstore.

Also the Store at 5 Corners, South Williamstown.

Milne Library hosts Art Exhibition of 40 local artists to close out 150th anniversary celebrations.

40 Artists/40 artworks on exhibit Dec. 2-31 at the Milne Public Library, representing  local artists from Northern Berkshire & Southern Vermont. Artist list here:

Community Contra Dance! 7:30-10:30pm, Sat., JAN 11 at First Congregational Church. All welcome!

Our caller Julian Blechner will teach all the dances.  He brings a cheerful, friendly attitude with clear, concise teaching and prompting. For optional extra fun, come to our pre-dance calling workshop/practicum in the Williamstown Public Library, 2 – 3:30. Bring a dance you’d like to workshop in a friendly group setting – or simply help out as a biddable dancer on the floor.

Music will be provided by George Wilson and Selma Kaplan. George’s dynamic fiddling, strongly influenced by Cape Breton and French Canadian styles, has been popular with contra dancers and concert-goers since the late 1970s. Selma is an accomplished pianist, composer, and arranger, and one of the most requested dance musicians on the East Coast.


Visit for more information.
C0me to the Community Hall of the First Congregational Church, 906 Main St., Williamstown. Admission is pay-as-you-can, $12 – $20 suggested, and barter (especially help with cleanup) is also welcome.

Holiday GIFT DRIVE for children & teens- drop off Dec 8-15 to Spring St. businesses.

Donate NEW, unwrapped toys, crafts, books, games to benefit local families. Drop-off during the week of DEC 8-15 to Spring St, W’town businesses: Amy’s Cottage…Goodman’s Jewelers…Nature’s Closet..The Print Shop… Spring St. Market…Williams Shop… Where’d You Get That?

Also at the Store at 5 Corners, south Williamstown.

Holiday Musical Bingo benefit fundraiser for the Louison House on SAT, Dec. 7 at the G.O.A.T Sports Bar (formerly Mingo’).

Doors open at 6pm, Bingo begins at 7pm.  TIX HERE.  Support the Louison House rebuilding hope! Eat, drink, play!  The G.O.A.T. is located at 41 Roberts Drive, N. Adams.