Public invited to this FREE Green Living Seminar Series at MCLA Center for Science and Innovation, room 121.
March 30: “Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership: Sustainable Forest Management and Natural Resource-Based Economic Development in Northwestern Massachusetts” with Dr. Hank Art, Williams College Rosenburg Professor of Environmental Studies and Biology, Emeritus, Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership, board chair
April 6: “Carbon Farming in Urban and Suburban Areas” with Dr. Nathan Phillips, Boston University Department of Earth and Environment, Professor
April 13: “Williamstown Composts!: Lessons from a Community Composting Pilot Program” with Nancy Nylen and Ann McCallum of Williamstown
April 20: “Bicycling in Berkshire County: History and Future” with Nicholas Russo, Berkshire Regional Planning Commission, Senior Transportation Planner
Presented by the Environmental Studies Department and the MCLA Berkshire Environmental Resource Center (BERC)