Citizens in League – MGRHS Feasibility Study, Warrant article 20

Citizens in League Present Carrie Greene and Mark Schiek discussing MGRHS Feasibility Study Funding, Warrant Article 20 to be voted on at the May 20th Williamstown Annual Town Meeting, and at the Lanesborough Annual Town Meeting on June 10 .

Anne Skinner / Citizens in League
Citizens in League
Studio Shows & Interviews

Citizens in League – 2014 Town Warrant Reading with Jane Allen and Andy Hogeland

Citizens in League Presents: Selectmen Chair Jane Allen and Finance Committee Chair Andy Hogeland discuss the 2014 Town Warrant Articles to be voted on May 20th at the Williamstown Annual Town Meeting.

Anne Skinner / Citizens in League
Citizens in League
Studio Shows & Interviews

Citizens in League – Candidate Forum – Selectmen 04.16.14

Meet the 4 candidates running for 2 Selectmen seats: Hugh Daley, Gary Fuls, Jr., Andy Hogeland, Jack Nogueira. Mark your calendar to vote on election day on May 13, 7am-8pm at WES Gym.

Anne Skinner / Citizens in League
Lectures & Forums

Citizens in League – The Affordable Care Act – What we have and have not learned from Massachusetts with Elizabeth Roberts

Elizabeth Roberts speaks about the Affordable Care Act at the annual League of Women Voters of Williamstown Susan B. Anthony Dinner on Feb 19, 2014.

Anne Skinner / Citizens in League
Citizens in League
Lectures & Forums

Citizens in League – Preview of 2013 Special Town Meeting Warrant with Jane Allen and Peter Fohlin

Citizens in League Present Select Board Chair Jane Allen and Town Manager Peter Fohlin discussing the 3 Warrant Articles to be voted on at the December 10th Special Town Meeting.

Anne Skinner / Citizens in League
Citizens in League
Lectures & Forums