Window on Williams Earthweek – Moving Beyond Plastics with Judith Enck

For Williams College's Earthweek, Judith Enck delves into how plastic production has become the fossil fuel industry’s “Plan B,” what plastic pollution is doing to rivers and oceans, health implications, the export of U.S. and EU plastic waste to Asia and Africa. Take a look at

Jim Kolesar / Williams College Office of Public Affairs and Media Services
Window on Williams
Studio Shows & Interviews

Williams Faculty Lecture – Owen Ozier, ‘Improving Learning Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa’

Owen Ozier is an Associate Professor of Economics at Williams College. He joined faculty after nine years in the World Bank’s Development Research Group. His published and current research projects include studies in Kenya, Nigeria, and Rwanda. His work focuses on health, education, and economic decisions in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Jim Kolesar / Williams College Office of Public Affairs and Media Services
Window on Williams
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