Norman Rockwell Museum Fantasy Symposium Panel 1 – Julie Bell, Boris Vallejo, Anthony Palumbo, and David Palumbo

Julie Bell, Boris Vallejo, Anthony Palumbo, and David Palumbo are gifted artists who have been inspired by the notable legacy of fantasy and science fiction illustrator Frank Frazetta. This panel will explore their art, their position as the first family of fantasy illustration, and the creative and technical approaches that has inspired the acclaim and admiration of many fans.

Norman Rockwell Museum
Norman Rockwell Museum
Lectures & Forums

Norman Rockwell Museum – Virtual Family Program, Freedom’s Legacy

The Norman Rockwell Museum honors Martin Luther King Day with a read aloud and conversation about the book Ruby Head High: Ruby Bridges’s First Day of School by Irene Cohen-Janca and illustrated by Marc Daniou. Based on the true story of Ruby Bridges, the first African American student to attend an all-white school in the segregated South, the story is also the subject of Norman Rockwell’s painting The Problem We All Live With which hung outside President Barack Obama’s Oval Office and is currently on view at the Museum. High school student, actress and singer Keely Rose O’Gorman will read. Following the reading, artist Bria Goeller joins in conversation about The Problem We All Live With, her meme based on the painting which celebrates Kamala Harris’s groundbreaking Vice President elect status, and the role of imagery in shaping cultural narratives.

Norman Rockwell Museum
Norman Rockwell Museum
Lectures & Forums

Norman Rockwell Museum – Freedom vs Fear, A History of Anti-Fascist Art

his program is a continuation of the Norman Rockwell Museum's Imagining Freedom Talks Series and is also a part of a multi-day symposium being held by the Rockwell Center for American Visual Studies. This evening program includes a welcome by Norman Rockwell Museum Director and CEO, Laurie Norton Moffatt; an introduction by Erica Doss, Professor of American Studies at the University of Notre Dame, and a keynote address by noted art director, author, coauthor, editor, curator, and lecturer - Steven Heller. Heller has written extensively on design/illustration and Fascism, notably The Swastika and Symbols of Hate: Extremist Iconography Today.

Norman Rockwell Museum
Norman Rockwell Museum
Lectures & Forums

Norman Rockwell Museum – Freedom From Want, Food and Culture

Food is fundamental to personal, family, community, national and global health. Food is love. Food is culture. Every human is in relationship with food. Cookbook author Alana Chernila and NYU Nutrition and Food Studies professor Amy Bentley have each, in their own way, committed to the study and celebration of food and culture. In their work, in different ways, each invites us to think about the decisions made and comfort created from our own kitchens through paving the way for planetary wellness. And then there is joy. How can intention and care for our food relationships bring joy? Join us for a wide ranging conversation which will leave you with a renewed curiosity to enjoy and celebrate food while also bringing intention and awareness to the choices made each day and how they impact the larger food system. Illustrator Whitney Sherman has made art for social good and humanistic causes throughout her career and will share how she sees visual imagery creating and shaping our attitudes toward food, health, and the environment.

Norman Rockwell Museum
Norman Rockwell Museum
Lectures & Forums