Williamstown Annual Town Meeting 5.16.23

Jim Kolesar receives Scarborough Salomon Flynt Community Service Award. LWV Town Employee Award goes to the Snow Removal Crew.  Citizens approve Article 27 authorizing purchase of electronic voting devices "clickers" (226 vote YES / 114 vote NO).

WiliNet - Municipal Meetings
Town Meeting
Local Government: Municipal Meetings

DIRE-Diversity, Inclusion, Racial Equity Committee Mtg – 4.28.23

Williams students Olivia Johnson & Tryphena Bossman present their historical research for the Ishmael Titus Project. Titus was an African American Revolutionary War Veteran who was born into slavery, self-emancipated, & for a time a White Oaks resident. Jemma Lambert, Director of Community Services for Amherst,MA, shares that town's initiatives to create a more inclusive & equitable community.  

WiliNet - Municipal Meetings
Diversity, Inclusion, Racial Equity Committee (DIRE)
Local Government: Municipal Meetings