DIRE-Diversity, Inclusion, Racial Equity Committee virtual Mtg – 10.18.21
DIRE met on October 18, 2021. On the agenda was a review of Town HR audit to determine DIRE related items.
DIRE met on October 18, 2021. On the agenda was a review of Town HR audit to determine DIRE related items.
Committee works out administrative details, protocols, logistics, responsibilities of Chair/Co-Chair/Leadership position.
Short Agenda makes for an efficient meeting.
The DIRE Committee met on September 20, 2021. On the agenda were the selection of Town Manager Search Committee rep, review and discussion of Guiding Principles, Committee Stewardship Roles and 21-22 goals.
The Williamstown Fire District Building Committee met on September 15, 2021. On the agenda were contracts, invoices, budget report, schedule update, designer selection process and site development.