Conservation Commission Meeting – 9.26.24
On agenda: public hearing, RDA, 151 Henderson Rd., order of conditions appeal, Summer St. update, bench policy, NOI, Town DPW, Hoosic Bank Stabilization.
On agenda: public hearing, RDA, 151 Henderson Rd., order of conditions appeal, Summer St. update, bench policy, NOI, Town DPW, Hoosic Bank Stabilization.
Town Clerk Nicole Beverly outlines details of Vote-by-Mail; Early-In-Person-Voting; Voter Registration; State Ballot Questions; W'town Ballot Question.
After 2 hours of deliberations & 3 rounds of voting, the Select Board votes 3-1 to appoint Matt Neely to fill Andy Hogeland's recently vacated seat until elections in May. Hugh Daley & Alexander Davis also applied for the seat.
The Affordable Housing trust appointed Dan Gura as its chair to replace Andy Hogeland.
On agenda: petition, Comstock Green LLC - single family home at 1211 Main St.