Conservation Commission Meeting – 9.12.24
On agenda: RDA Stetson Rd, Williamstown DPW; bench policy; NOI, Town DPW, Hoosic Bank stabilization.
On agenda: RDA Stetson Rd, Williamstown DPW; bench policy; NOI, Town DPW, Hoosic Bank stabilization.
On agenda: Four Dog Farm, open space residential development, short-term rentals, major residential development, aquifer protection, campus area zoning.
On agenda: alcohol licenses, Water & Sewer Warrant, pole locations, Community Preservation appt., Select Board priorities and vacancy, park bench and memorial donation policy, dog leashing, cannabis host agreement, cable agreement.
On agenda: 1033 Simonds Rd order to abate a nuisance, The '6 House Pub, respiratory illness, mosquito-borne diseases, vaccinations.
Director Angela Zimmermann tours THINGDOM at the Milne...tells of newly EXTENDED EVENING HOURS (open 'til 8pm Tue/Wed/Thu)...Remedy Hall's library tango classes, NYT & WSJ free online! Angie catches us up on new programming at the Milne!