Select Board Meeting – 3.4.25
The Select Board convened & moved to Executive Session, to discuss the Town Manager's contract.
The Select Board convened & moved to Executive Session, to discuss the Town Manager's contract.
Planning Board members Peter Beck & Ken Kuttner describe proposed amendment to Short Term Rentals bylaw. Ask your questions at a Planning Board Info Session at Milne Public Library on Wed, March 5 at 6:30pm.
On agenda: public hearings; RDA, 82 Latham St. NOI, Town DPW, Hoosic Bank Stabilization.
Stuart Saginor, ED of Community Preservation Coalition, explains the Community Preservation Act: who can apply? what is eligible? how is it funded? How to maximize State matching funds? W'town CPC granted approx. $186,000 to 7 of 8 applications.
Joe Bergeron, MGRSD interim Superintendent, explains the 16% increase in employee health insurance premiums; Chief Ziemba presents WPD budget; Angela Zimmermann presents Milne Public Library budget. Fin Comm begins discussion of the 9 applications for 'non-proft organization town funding' totally $445,000. Town Manager Bob Menicocci has moved this historically 'free cash' (a town's operating budget surplus from prior year) funded expenditure into the FY26 Town budget, increasing to $200K.