Solutions Rising – Berkshire County Sheriff Thomas Bowler

Berkshire County Sheriff Thomas N. Bowler discusses the programs at the House of Corrections as well as another innovative and collaborative program to benefit those who have completed their sentences with reentry into the community.

Rachel I. Branch
Solutions Rising
Studio Shows & Interviews

Solutions Rising – Poor People’s Campaign with Paki Wieland

Welcome to my Solutions Rising program with Paki Wieland in which we talk about the upcoming Poor People's Campaign to be held in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, June 22, 2022. This is quite a discussion about the necessary moral revival and accent on low-wage workers and voting along with other injustices that keep our country from reaching the representative democracy we so dearly need.

Rachel I. Branch
Solutions Rising
Studio Shows & Interviews

Solutions Rising – Music as Therapy with Gary Miller

Solutions Rising: Music as Therapy with Gary Miller. It was a real pleasure to tape this program with Gary Miller, and I believe he is just an amazing musician. He was also a music teacher at Miss Hall's School for years. Played lots of Sunday mornings at the South Street Cafe in Bennington, VT; at the Old Creamery in Cummington, and so many other venues. I think you will enjoy our program.

Rachel I. Branch
Solutions Rising
Studio Shows & Interviews