Town Hall Talk – The Town Moderator, Roles and Responsibilities

Adam Filson & Stan Parese served as W'town Town Moderator for a combined total of 21 years. They discuss the responsibilities of the Moderator, their preparation, procedural practices, thoughts on Town Meeting, electronic voting, & the Scarborough Salomon Flynt Community Service Award.

WilliNet - Community Television for Williamstown
Town Hall Talk
Studio Shows & Interviews

Town Hall Talk – Town Clerk on Voter Registration Deadline and Voting Options for State General Election

Town Clerk Nicole Beverly outlines Vote by Mail process; In-Person Early Voting: Oct. 22-Nov. 4 at Town Hall; Voter Registration Deadline: Sat, Oct. 29. Sample Ballot for State Election on Tues, Nov. 8, 7am-8pm at WES.  

WilliNet - Community Television for Williamstown
Town Hall Talk
Studio Shows & Interviews

Town Hall Talk – Town Clerk details 2021 outdoor Town Mtg

Annual Town Meeting POSTPONED due to weather to 6:00pm, WED, JUNE 9 by Town Moderator Adam Filson. Town Clerk Nicole Pedercini outlines protocols for Town Meeting at Weston Athletic Complex. Watch Town Mtg LIVE on WilliNet TV ch 1303 or streaming live on

WilliNet - Community Television for Williamstown
Town Hall Talk
Studio Shows & Interviews

Town Hall Talk – Voter Registration Deadline & Voting Options with Town Clerk Nicole Pedercini

Voter Registration deadline is Wed., April 21 for both election day (May 11) & Town Meeting (June 8). Town Clerk Nicole Pedercini demonstrates how to register to vote online, how to check your voter registration status, & early voting application. She assures voters that COVID protocols in place when polls open 7am-8pm, May 11 at W'town Elementary School.

WilliNet - Community Television for Williamstown
Town Hall Talk
Studio Shows & Interviews