Affordable Housing Trust Meeting – 9.21.22
The Affordable Housing Trust heard an update from Stone Architecture for the plan for a multi-unit housing complex on the Grange property on Water St.
The Affordable Housing Trust heard an update from Stone Architecture for the plan for a multi-unit housing complex on the Grange property on Water St.
The Affordable Housing Trust met on August 31, 2022.
The Affordable Housing Trust heard a presentation from Stone Architecture for the plan for a multi-unit housing complex on the Grange property on Water St.
Architect Hicks Stone presents proposed plans for developing "high-thermal-performance-passive-house-net-zero-housing" - 11 units of "2-family duplex cottages" on Alex Carlisle's Grange property. Plans allot 6 of the total 22 units as affordable housing as per Chapter 40B state requirements.
The Affordable Housing Trust met on May 25, 2022. On the agenda were RFP properties, homebuilding project, ERAP, WEMAP, and Habitat.