Select Board Meeting – 4.10.23
SB resets start time of Annual Town Meeting to 7:00pm, Tue, May 16 in the Mt. Greylock RSD gym & votes their recommendations on the Warrant's 42 Articles.
The Williamstown Board of Selectmen meets on the 2nd & 4th Mondays of the month at 7:00pm. Watch them LIVE on WilliNet Channel 17. Previously recorded meetings air on WilliNet Channel 16.
SB resets start time of Annual Town Meeting to 7:00pm, Tue, May 16 in the Mt. Greylock RSD gym & votes their recommendations on the Warrant's 42 Articles.
On agenda: hearing from Clark Art Institute, clicker presentation, Library Bldg Conditions Report, Flag Blaw, Senior Property Tax Exemptions.
Agenda includes: Broadband, Democratic Registrar Appointment, Town Meeting Clickers, Sweetwood Property Update; Planning Board Warrant Articles.
Lengthy discussion of possible flag bylaw; Williams College student Ashley Shan appointed seat on DIRE Comm. through June; Town Manager gives update on Municipal Electric Aggregation Program.