Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee Meeting – 4.4.23
On agenda: land Use map, draft actions, updated vision, June outreach, draft plan and next steps.
The Williamstown Planning Board normally meets at 7:00pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Planning Board meetings air LIVE on WilliNet Channel 17, and are then replayed on WilliNet Channel 16.
On agenda: land Use map, draft actions, updated vision, June outreach, draft plan and next steps.
Information Session on the 3 Planning Board proposed Warrant Articles: Manufactured Housing; 3 & 4 Unit Buildings; Reduction of Road Frontage Required in General Residence.
Future land use plan w/ map proposed by consultants spark volley of questions: "Are we planning for more people or fewer people?"..."Do we all agree that there should be population growth in this town?" Vision sheet- 'W'town Tomorrow' & action steps to be discussed at April mtg.
The Planning Board addressed manufactured housing Bylaws, 3 & 4 unit building bylaw, and frontage reduction bylaw.
Board works on language for new bylaws to be proposed at Town Meeting. Also on Agenda: "Cottage Courts; developing work plan.