Staff & Board

Deb Dane

Executive Director
Deb Dane

In it’s humble way, WilliNet encourages civic engagement and strengthens our community…one municipal meeting, one locally produced program, one editing class and camera-loan at a time.

Jack Criddle

Production Manager

Public access TV is an invaluable tool for a community that thinks globally and acts locally. As Production Manager at WilliNet, I am proud to facilitate community engagement in Williamstown and throughout the Berkshires, whether we’re broadcasting municipal meetings, co-producing arts, politics, or culture-related shows with local citizens, or running media-making workshops with local schoolchildren.

Marge Chamberlain


Public access TV is the frontline for grassroots democracy – it’s my goal to keep that available for Williamstown. WilliNet is also a way for the people of our town to stay informed and entertained with what’s happening here.

Chris Karampatsos


I joined WilliNet because at the core of its mission is the ideal of an electronic commons that strengthens the fabric of the Williamstown community. It has its best moments in the intentional and sometimes accidental processes through which people of many ages, beliefs and social backgrounds come to voice, gain confidence in collective action, and become active participants in our community.

Lynn Chick


I’m proud to participate on the Willinet board! Our community television station provides access to local government, education, and community activities.

Jonathan Leamon

WilliNet has two roles that are so important for our community: It provides a way for individuals to speak for themselves, by helping people learn how to communicate through video and by airing the voices of local people. WilliNet also brings alternative and independent national voices back into our community. Knowledge is strength, community is strength, WilliNet is strength!

Bill Jannen

Bill Jannen

When I interned at Willinet in 2005, I immediately felt that it was special. The people—the Willinet staff and all the community members that contribute to the programming—all want to make their community a better place. As I continue to strengthen my roots in Williamstown, I hope to share my community vision and help others to realize theirs.

Mary Kennedy

Mary Kennedy
Willinet plays an instrumental role as a bridge for the residents of Williamstown to  area events and the many actions of town government and local events.   Due to the loss of some of our area media sources, Willinet has become the place to turn for local events and meetings .  It’s what really kept this community connected during Covid.

Francesca Paris

Francesca Paris

As a journalist, I know how critical it is for community members to have easy, convenient access to information about their town, from important meetings to content that invites them into the lives of their neighbors. As a Williams graduate and a former Berkshire Eagle reporter, I want to help Willinet keep collecting, revealing and sharing all the details that make up life in Williamstown.