This morning (May 17,) in response to a citizen email, Adam Filson clarified, again, the dictates of Mass law in these circumstances:
“In 2020 and 2021 during the declared state of emergency, the alternate venue for town meeting was set before the warrant was approved and posted. Because this year’s warrant was already posted back on April 14, the moderator and Select Board don’t have the unilateral authority to reschedule town meeting. While that authority exists under Massachusetts law, it is only applicable during a state of emergency. The governor’s state of emergency terminated on June 15, 2021. Only a motion to adjourn made at the posted town meeting can now change the date and venue. The Williamstown Board of Health (BOH) reported Monday that there are currently fewer than 16 non-Williams College student COVID cases in Williamstown. The 14-day average incidence rate for Williamstown reported by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) on May 12 reflects a 4.2% decrease from the prior reporting period (May 5, which reflected a 13.67% decrease from its prior period). The recent data from Williams College reflects a 16% decrease in cases from April 22. Based on this data, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), DPH, and the BOH recommend residents wear a proper-fitting mask over the nose and mouth in indoor public areas. The average town meeting attendance for the past seven years has been 374. The capacity for the specific configuration used for town meeting at Williamstown Elementary School (with chairs and aisles, etc.) is 695. This should allow for social distancing, if desired, between groups or individuals, given the average attendance. To further increase the circulation of fresh air, the doors and windows in the gym, and the rear doors of the school will remain open throughout the meeting with the overhead fans on. Free N-95 masks will be available at town meeting for those wishing them, and can be obtained for free from the CVS in North Adams, Pittsfield, and Bennington; Walgreens in North Adams, Pittsfield; Market 32 Pharmacy in Pittsfield; and Big Y Pharmacy in Pittsfield.”
Town Meeting is scheduled for 7pm, Tuesday, May 17 at Williamstown Elementary School Gym. Doors open at 6:15 to get voter cards. Read Town Warrant HERE