W’town Candidate Nomination papers for elected local offices avail. FEB 3 with March 25 certification deadline.
Call for CANIDATES to serve on elected municipal committees! Open seats on: SELECT BOARD (2 seats /3 yr term; 1 seat/1 yr term)…PLANNING BOARD (1 seat/5 yr term)…Town Moderator (3 yr term)…Library Trustee (4 seats/ 3 yr term & 1 seat/ 1yr term)…HOUSING AUTHORITY (1 seat/5 yr term)… Northern Berkshire Vocational Regional School District (1 seat/3 yr term). Town ELECTION DAY is MAY 13, polls open 7am-8pm at WES.
Candidates seeking office must stop by Town Clerk, Nicole Beverly’s office to pick up nomination papers. 30 signatures required. All signatures must be in INK, no electronic signatures allowed. Completed papers must be returned to the Board of Registrars for CERTIFICATION no later than TUE, MARCH 25, 2025.
MORE INFO: Nicole Beverly- 413-458-3500 x 101 or nbeverly@williamstownma.gov